Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Man v. Scale - Weigh In #17

When I started this whole blogging initiative 5 months ago, I promised myself a few things. I swore that I would keep track of absolutely everything that I ate, and I promised that I would hop on the scale on a weekly basis.

From time to time, especially in recent weeks, I've neglected my food journal. I don't even have legit excuses. I mean, it's always with me. I've carried it around in my man bag religiously since day 1. Heck, I've actually run out of pages!! I've flipped it over and have started keeping track going in reverse.

DIGRESSION ALERT: Anyway, so the second promise. Weekly endeavors with the scale. Besides a single 2 week stretch for travel back in February, I've succumbed my emotional psyche to weekly weigh ins. Not all have been great, but not all have been horrible.

The point is, NO MATTER how much of a failure I act like each week, I still owe it to us to track my progress. We'll never get anywhere by cheating ourselves.

So again, as promised, a Tuesday morning date with the scale. I was prepared for ANYTHING....ANYTHING....but this:


I absolutely cannot believe it, but I am down another 1.2 pounds this week!!! My 17 week total is now up to 27.4. I'm really making progress. The grin on my face right now, even half a day later, is ear to ear.

I'm not too sure what this success can be attributed to. Everything that I've described to you in my last two posts is true. I had a challenging week, I swear!!

Our bodies are truly magnificent. It's truly amazing to watch them work. The first few weeks of a diet are KILLER. It's as if our bodies DON'T want us to lose weight. It wants to be FED!!! And now look....I've been on such a great roll lately that its almost as if my body is now working in my favor. 17 weeks in now, and I feel as if it's finally on my side....

Motivation, drive, honesty, determination....all of these things have to come from within. Weight loss doesn't magically happen. But I'll tell you what....external factors like clothes fitting better, and positive 'meet and greets' with the scale sure GO A LONG WAY!!

I really wish that I could share with all of you...how I feel...RIGHT NOW.
BK out

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