Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 13 and 14 food recaps:

Happy Friday people. For the first time in 2010, I'm staring blankly at a calm, low key weekend....and I need it. I have a date with destiny next Sunday....the Super Bowl. I have a 7th annual SB party to attend that usually crosses the line of culinary decadence....more on that later...

Anyway, as previously stated, I have usually been kicking ass during the week with regard to my food intake. Both Wednesday and Thursday this week were no, workout, tv (No Reservations: Anthony Bourdain), sleep.

Strawberry (higher fiber) pop tart = 190 cal.
Lean Cuisine lasagna = 320 cal.
satchel of pretzels = 110 cal.
pesto and chorizo gnocchi = roughly 575 cal.
bread = 100 cal.
cheese/crackers (appetizer, and i didn't even have much gouda left) = 75 cal.
candy (while reading my book, sue me) = 75 cal.

WORKOUT: I hit it hard. It was OF COURSE busy as hell. I was relegated to the backup set of lockers again...and then when I hit the cardio area, EVERY SINGLE TREADMILL AND ELLIPTICAL WERE TAKEN!!! WHAT THE F?? I was literally stuck. I had no idea what to After running (pun) a few options through my head (i hate stationary bikes and rowing machines) i decided to hit the 3rd floor track. I NEVER go up there. Anyway, apparently 10 times around was a mile, which seemed scary at first, but I quickly hammered those out.

It did feel good to actually run my normal distance (1.5 mile) free of the restricting tready, but DAMN my legs hurt...ancillary muscles that were probably dormant for the last 6 years suddenly came ALIIIIIVE....more on that later...

Wednesday Calorie total = 1475


Strawberry pop tart = 190 calories
1/2 Turkey, sprout, and caramelized onion sandwich (from La Bodega in Tremont, freakin awesome!!) = 400 cal.
bag of baked lays = 140 cal.

Night (yeah, don't laugh):
potato chips, = 175 cal.
popcorn (buttered, probably heavy) = 250 cal.?
2 Amstel Light @ 95 = 190 cal.

WORKOUT: Yes, but it was challenging. I think my trooper of a body finally gave up on me. I've really been gettin' after it these past few weeks, rarely taking days off...I ran about a mile on the treadmill, and I was FEELING it. I could barely finish...sigh. Hit a few of my regular machines and exercises, and just had to call it a day.

My dinner was quite pathetic...but I can explain. I literally had 15 minutes after I got home from working out before Mitch (name changed to protect the innocent) was picking me up for date night. Since no chick wanted to see AVATAR, we decided to go together...what a great movie. I think we were the only two people on the planet who had not seen this flick yet (well, besides most of the chicks we know).

It was quite the 3D spectacle, it lived up to the Crazy Train of hype that Hollywood has been spewing. I highly recommend it....those 3D graphics were AMAZING!!! Very revolutionary....though I don't know what the hell they're going to do when that piece hits DVD store shelves...

Thursday Caloric grand total = 1250 Calories!!
BK out

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