Saturday, January 23, 2010

Would you care for some warm Sake?

Two day food Recap....coming up.

Friday was a throwaway. I need a mulligan, a re-do, something. I should be entitled to one or two of these, right?? Friday was also the tale of two nights. Everything was fine during the day, normal, no snacking, good stuff (around 600 calories).

Anyway, so Friday evening started nice. Happy hour with some of my lady friends resulted in selections of hummus, calamari...and 3 glasses of Shiraz. Yikes!! While they continued dirty martini's in Tremont, I met up with the boys downtown.

I suppose things started out fine. My suburban buddy picked Pickwick and Frolic to meet up at over on E. 4th...and I was a good boy. I had 2 Amstel Lights, which are like 95 cal. apiece. We then quickly migrated over to Wonder Bar for another....and BAM!! CHRISTMAS ALE IN JANUARY!! What the F? They still had GLBC x-mas ale on that was obviously a no-brianer.

AAAAAAAAND, this dumb bar had $3 jello shots to aid the Haitian relief efforts. Really, you ask...yes. $1 of my sh*tty $3 jello shot is going to Haiti!!! I made a difference!!

All in all, after totalling up the 2 christmas ales, 3 glasses of wine, the Amstel, food, etc...I'm waaay over my daily goal, something to the tune of mid-2000's. I won't even justify it with a number, but will look DIRECTLY at my Saturday afternoon workout. F.


All of the usual suspects, ie. pop tart, salad, satchel of pretzels. Good to go.

I found myself on the east side for a business meeting (Beachwood, cuz that's where all of the shrewd businessmen reside) Thursday 1/2 price sushi at Sushi Rock was in order.

I researched the caloric counts of all of the standard maki rolls and regular sushi over rice. I was prepared. I had a plan, and stuck to it. One Sapporo tall boy, one order of tuna sushi, one white tuna sushi order (shiro maguro; this stuff is what dreams are made of, and this Sushi Rock nailed the freshness) sixer of Spicy Tuna Maki rolls. Boom. 690 Calories, and I was full.

Now, I did take a short walk on the dark side. I was plugged in my chair before my date was, and the blondie server rolled up looking for a drink order. I ordered up the aforementioned Sapporo's, and then was posed the following question:

"Would you care for some warm Sake?? It's on me."

Now, as you navigate through life, you are posed certain questions, and inevitably have to make certain decisions. If a blonde server at Sushi Rock EVER asks you if you'd like a large carafe of warm sake...on the say YES.

1500 calories, no workout, Sake

BK out

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