Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Man v. Scale - Weigh in #7 - I AM the Resurrection

Did you just hear that GIGANTIC sigh??

It came from downtown Cleveland.  It was ME, letting out an enormous bellow of relief.

I hopped up on the scale this afternoon, with every extremity crossed...and this is what that square little devil displayed to me:

That's right!!!!!!!!  206.8 pounds.  I'm down a little over 3 effin pounds this week!!!!  I've BROKEN on through (to the other side; The Doors).  My two week plateau is no more.  Challenge received, challenge met.

Gosh...how vindicating.  Jesus, I can get on with my life again....WHEW.  How fitting that one of my favorite songs, I am the Resurrection (The Stone Roses, check 'em out), popped onto the shuffle at the gym today.  I just KNEW today was gonna be a good day.

Anyway...I'm finding it slightly difficult to properly convey how happy I am.  Honestly, man.  This feels good, I'm gonna hold this one in for a minute.  I'm just plain old relieved.

My hard work this week has paid off....and I'm back to moving in the right direction.  My business trip to Los Angeles just got a little easier to deal with, ya know...

I'm flying out to the city of Angels tomorrow afternoon, and I'm not returning until Saturday evening....which coincidentally, is just in time for St. Pat's in the Flats.  I know, I know.  Those calendar-challenged OU alums always hold their HUGE Patty's Day party the Saturday BEFORE the 17th. 

Hell, not only do they not know WHEN Patty's Day is, but this year, they FORGOT WHERE the Flats are.  It's at the super awesome trendy debacle of a bar on West 6th called the Barley House.  Oh well. 

Thankfully, I'm indeed NOT an OU alum....I graduated from The Kent State University.  I celebrate the aforementioned par-tay b/c I have a gaggle of friends that matriculated Athens Ohio, I'm half Irish, and I like beer.

Go figure.


Monday food recap:
apple cereal bar = 140 Calories
Lean Cuisine asian chicken and rice thing = 290 cal.
strawberry yogurt (Dannon, i upgraded) = 80 cal.
low fat Pringles = 100 cal.
Cheese Plate:
Gouda, cheddar, dill havarti = 200 cal.
pepperoni = 120 cal.
crackers = 200 cal.

Monday Grand Total = 1130 Calories

I'll be back with another food recap this weekend.  I plan on hitting the beach, hitting Sunset, and finding Rachel Bilson.  If all 3 of these are a success, Ohio may never see me again.

Adios for now!

BK out

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