Monday, March 22, 2010

Someone PLEASE Hit the Reset Button on this Week

Oh boy.

Soooo, yeah.  There's been a lot that I haven't done this week.  I haven't blogged about my shenanigans in forever, and I'm absolutely sorry for that.  I'm downright ashamed that I put down my ball point pen and food log this week while away on vacay.

This past week was an excessive amount of fun, though also an EPIC FAIL.  My actions this past week can be comparable to a star exploding (a supernova, for the lay person).

I won't go into all of my exploits from this past week....but let's just say that this word may apply:

binge (bnj)

1. A drunken spree or revel.
2. a. A period of unrestrained, immoderate self-indulgence.
b. A period of excessive or uncontrolled indulgence in food or drink

That "period" was 4 be exact.  There was an abundance of the following items involved:

1.  beer (dirty, filthy, nasty beer. damn you)
2.  Red Bull (sugar free....i think)
3.  Jaeger
4.  the combination of the previous two items
5.  Patron
6.  four idiot friends that see each other like twice a year
7.  Chicken caesar salads (at least 3 or so at the casino; they were scrumptious)
8.  unhealthy, awful, unethical snack foods
9.  blood, sweat, tears
10. a freaking ton of college basketball games
11. a foreign country that is probably sad to see us leave

Anyway.  Yeah, I get it.  I'm a foolish, drunk, Idiot.  I think I slipped into a coma last night....I don't remember ANYTHING after 6:00 pm.

Let's get on to the UPLIFTING portion of this post.  I AM A FOCUSED MAN.  I am RENEWED.  I am rejuvenated and re-motivated.  Et al.  I can't wait to get this train back on the tracks. 

I'm looking forward to some much needed BK time this week.  I've got an intense, detailed plan of hitting the gym 5 times this week, and eating RIGHT.  Trust me, the blog recaps will show it.'s all begun with today (Monday).  The food recap will come later, but I'll let you know that I was successful today.  And GOSH did that run hit the spot tonight. 

I will also let you know that I will indeed be skipping my Tuesday weigh in.  (Pause)

I know.  Nobody wants to see that would probably make this grown man cry...I could seriously weigh 240 right now.

I've got next Tuesday, the 30th, in my cross hairs.  I'm giving myself these 8 days to shine. 

Nobody's perfect.


Sunday food explosion:

TGIFriday's bagged tater skins = 500 Calories
hot dog (slathered in ballpark mustard and chili; i was at a fantasy baseball draft!! it was the only thing available to me!!! ahhh!! i'm an a**hole) = 500 cal.
Miller Lite 4 @ 96 = 384 cal.
doritos = 300 cal.
pretzels = 120 cal.
buffalo chicken dip (yeah, like, whats up with this stuff?? everyone has been making this shizz lately) = 500 cal.?
apple nutrigrain bar = 140 cal.
powerade = 150 cal.

Sunday Calorie Total = 2590

No workout, I literally could only manage 15 hours of sleep in 3 nights on my Canada Guy's Weekend...15, yeah.  Try sleeping in the same room with 3 hyenas for 3 days.  I think I drank 2.3 Gallons of Red Bull these past 4 days to compensate.

BK out, and freshly MOTIVATED

Just you watch!!  Yeah, YOU!

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