Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Monsoon Monday and Taco Tuesday

Hello there!

I'm in a jovial mood, I must say.  As I sit here at lunch, munching on a side salad and satchel of cheddar Sun Chips, I'm warmly reflecting on the past two days.

I've stuck to my guns, and had successfully food and workout days to start the week.  Cheers to me.

Monday was DEFINITELY a catch up day, and I'm not talking about that silky smooth tomato based condiment that I sooo love.  I'm talking about sitting on the couch like a vegetable 'catch up'.  I once again blew off my fave show on the WB (gossip girl, you knew that) to just sit on the couch staring blankly at a computer screen...and then went to sleep early (9:30).

THHEEEEEEEEEEEEN the true fun began.  A friggin major-ass thunderstorm ripped through Cleveland, leaving Tremont's fragile infrastrucure in ruin.  My power went out about a half hour after hitting the pillow.


My upstairs neighbors (that never sleep) are like Wildebeasts.  They trample around upstairs like they're migrating across the Alaskan wilderness.  On a normal night, I could have any of three devices running to create the necessary white noise that allows the BK to sleep...but with NOOOOOOOO POWER, I just laid there in misery. 


Ohhhhh, and I almost forgot.  They have a fat ass poodle pug combo* of a dog too.  The son of a bitch is locked up all day, so when they get home at midnight to release goes buck it's on its first night in Vegas or something.

* - no offense to any dog lovers out there. i'm a huge advocate of the small dog....but these new Pug/Poodle mixes are UGLY as sin.

Ehhhh, whatever.  Shitty sleep is the norm with noisy upstairs neighbors.

So Tuesday came...ushering in a Taco Tuesday Happy Hour....which are usually the absolute best!!!  The Lincoln Park Pub in Tremont does like $1.25 yummy tacos and $2 Mexicano beers.  I mean, come on.  I challenge anyone to beat this deal!!!  You can't turn down this kind of deal!!!  It's not allowed.

I was a good boy.  I only consumed two of these aforementioned bad boys (beans, no meat; with their 2nd hottest sauce, entitled "The Morning After", and two Corona lights.  I'm not sure of the Caloric count, so I'm just planning on using a filthy Taco Bell taco as the template.

Good times. 

See...?  As long as one uses moderation and portion control on a diet, life can STILL be good, and you can STILL attend Happy Hours.



Grand Total Consumed:  1220 Calories

No real slip ups, just all of the normal stuff.  I also pounded out a nice 2 mile run.  My feet thank me.


Grand Total Consumed:  1325 Calories

Again, no MAJOR slip ups, outside of a teeny tiny happy hour effort.  But again, I had a small salad and rice crackers for lunch, so I was ok with a small hiccup!!

Bring on the rest of the week.

BK out


  1. sometimes i just feel like commenting so you know that yes, we're out here judging you. when are we going to go for a run? let's do it this weekend - pre football!

  2. i do hope there are people out there. i get worried sometimes.

    ooooh, cant do it pre-football, gotta go to the WSM. im out of produce!!
