Sunday, March 28, 2010

Oh, what a Squirrelly weekend indeed...!! weekend is over, and up until about an hour ago, I really had no theme or story for today's blog.

Then, a mere two hours ago, I had a second run in with my new best friend, a random, chubby ass squirrel. 

Let's dive into this.

Occurrence #1 - The setting is Saturday morning, 9:00 am.  I oozed out of bed, essentially hung over, threw on a hoodie, and stepped foot outside to make my way to the west side market.  I stepped down from my porch, hit the side walk, looked to my right, and this is what I see....staring back at me blankly:

This fat ass squirrel just sat there, looking at me.  It was WEIRD. 

My past experience dealing with squirrels is fairly walk up to them, and they run away like scared little bastards.  Ohhhhh, but not this day.  He just STARED AT ME, for like 20 seconds.

It is important to note that I was staring back at him, just as blankly.  I had no clue what to do.

I took 5 or so steps down the side walk towards my car, and then turned around...ya know, just have another peek at that silly son of a bitch, and what do you know??  It had followed me!!  He was about 3 feet behind me....just staring blankly at me, AGAIN. 

Jesus.  Who IS this guy?? 

So I took literally 5 more steps, turned around again, and THERE HE WAS!!!  Just looking at me.  At this point, it got strange.  HE made the next move.

The lil' guy walked right up to my Pumas.  He came up to within 6 inches of me.  I could see the blacks of his eyes.  I smiled down at him, completely nervous, yet inquizative.  We shared a moment.

I eased over to my car, and drove away.

Occurrence #2 - The setting was this....a rainy, dreary Sunday afternoon.  I went in to work for 3 hours, and visited 3 open houses, unceremoniously.  While I was out on the west side, I stopped in to the dirty bird (the giant eagle on Bunts) and scooped up a plethora of necessary, and unnecessary, consumables.

Being a guy, I had to grab all 11 bags of groceries, and make one difficult trip from the car to the kitchen.  I'm struggling.  I managed to close my hatch, and set out for my front door.

Guess what?  My little friend was BACK!!!  As soon as I set foot on my porch....there he was....sitting on my short porch wall....starting at me...blankly.

Again, I have 11 bags of groceries in my hands.  I had to stop.  I just stared at the little dude, for what seemed like another 30 seconds...and then, out of nowhere....he smiled back at me, and ran away.  Well played, sir.

Oh, by the way, this post has absolutely NOTHING to do with my diet, or my weekend food consumption.

Good day.


Friday food recap:
caramel rice cakes = 120 Calories.
chicken caesar salad (the Ari power lunch caesar salad, for those Entourage fans out there; actually this was for my lunch year review at work. ahhhhh!!!!) = 400 Calories
bread/oil = 150 cal.
runts = 100 cal.
Korean sliders (1 and 1/2 of an appetizer from Touch Supper Club) = 300 cal.
Veal Ragout with shallots and sweet potato gnocchi = 700 cal.
2 glasses of Cabernet Sauvignon = 150 cal.
4 Amstel Lights = 380 cal.

Workout:  I went against all odds, and hit the gym...on a Friday night.  Good stuff??  You bet.

Friday grand total = 2300 Calories

Saturday food recap:
pretzels = 120 calories
Miller Lite, 6 or so cups (at the Treehouse after our touch football debacle) = 570 cal.
Chicken Tender Salad (take out from the local BW3; Wild hot sauce and a wee bit of ranch dressing) = 750 cal.
20 oz Michelob Ultra tall boy = 175 cal.
2 glasses of Cabernet Sauvignon = 150 cal.

Workout:  Well, since my anscillary muscles are still firing, 32 hours later, I consider my football game Saturday morning quite the little workout.

Grand Total Saturday = 1775 Calories ( i think; it got a little hazey at the Treehouse Saturday morning)

BK out


  1. Football games can only be considered a workout when we win. That's my vote.

  2. Well.....then.....I may not ever get in a "workout".
