Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Man v. Scale, Weigh-in #9

Ok, so BK is officially defeated.

According to my trusty food journal, I had a successful week.  I worked out a ton in between weigh ins, and I HONESTLY have cut down on my unnecessary alcohol consumption.

I'm livin' a better life, man!

On 5 out of 7 days, my daily Calories are under 1500!!  I'm 6' 207 lbs....shouldn't this be enough??

So what gives, man??

My scale reading this week was abysmal.  My current weight is a depressing 207.9 lbs.  This leaves me essentially in the same spot I was in 2 weeks ago.  No positive movement.

I won't lie.  I'm a bit depressed.  I'm really rethinking my life right now.

I'm not ready to give up on my strategy and plan(s) of attack.  I guess I just have to continue doing what I'm doing, and just push through.  This sucks.

People are counting on me...I'M counting on  How the hell am I supposed to inspire...or prove people (or myself) wrong if I can't lose weight?? 

Eh, well, whatev.  I can come up with 10 different excuses...I really can.  I mean, I have! 

I'm just going to look forward to another potential success this week, though I am going out of town...AGAIN!!  Traveling, haning out with friends, HH's, seeing shows...all of these things are AMAZING....but I think this lifestyle is just not conducive to losing weight.  (Duh.)


Monday the 29th food journal:
apple nutrigrain bar = 140 calories
can of albacore tuna = 140 cal.
side salad, sun dried tomato dress. = 200 cal.
1 red delicious apple = 70 cal.

sweet potato gnocchi = 350 cal.
red sauce = 150 cal.
bread/oil = 150 cal.
fruit salad = 100 cal.
runts (lol, yeah, uhhh) = 75 cal.

Workout: I was really still laboring from my weekend football game, honest.  My legs didn't have it in them to maximize my run.  I think I barely hammered out 15 minutes on the treadmill, then did 10 minutes each on the stationary bike and elliptical thingy.  Not awful, but I've really not had the greatest workouts lately.

Grand Total for Monday = 1390 Calories

Tuesday the 30th:
rice crackers = 110 Calories
side salad, low fat vinagarette dress. = 225 cal.
1 red delicious apple = 70 cal.
pretzels = 80 cal.

Triscuits = 200 cal.
cheese cubes, cheddar and smoked gouda = 200 cal.
turkey pepperoni = 40 cal.
skinny cow truffle treat = 100 cal.

Workout:  I just couldn't fit it in on Tuesday.  As per a previous blog effort, I noted that I had some WalMarting to do, as well as get a preparation for my weekend trip to D.C.!!!  I did have a short walk around the neighborhood before was nice, walked about 1.7 miles.

Better than nothing I suppose.

Grand Total for Tuesday = 1030 Calories; not too damn bad!!

BK out

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