Sunday, March 7, 2010

Oh, the Week that Was. Days 47-51 of my journey.

Oh what a week this has been.  This week has been semi-humbling for me....semi-lackluster...and that pisses me off man!

I haven't posted anything to the inter-webs in like 5 days!!  I'm truly sorry for that.  I'm better than this.

Don't get me wrong, this blog/journal of mine is still quite motivating, and I still find the joy in my daily's just that this week did something to me.  I dunno.  Maybe it's the weather, you know, this time of the year in the Midwest...I just felt uncharacteristically lethargic and melancholy this week. 

I felt so humbled after last week's weigh in that I almost didn't know what to talk about.  It's like the theoretical giant white elephant in the room.  I've sucked at this diet for the last 2 weeks, and it's making me squeamish to air all of my normal dirty laundry.

For the first time now...I think this diet has control over ME. I owned it for 5 weeks....and now it owns me. I'm scared to do anything...I'm scared to eat ANYTHING. Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!

I guess I just need to lighten up and get back to basics.  Every day presents its own challenges and opportunities to succeed. 

Man.  I just want to lose 15 effin pounds.  What's the big deal here, body? 

Let's go over some of this past week's "highlights", so to speak:

Tuesday:  Tuesday, you really don't stand a chance, sorry buddy.  Coming on the heels of a weigh in, I truly have all the motivation I would ever need.

I consumed food properly, and had a nice little workout. 

Tuesday Grand Total: 1080 Calories

Wednesday:  I felt like I needed to treat myself, so I called a last minute audible and headed to Sushi Rock after my workout.  No beer, and no Philly rolls.  I stuck to a small carafe of tasty, tasty sake and regular 'ole sushi over rice....shiro maguro to be exact, white tuna.  My absolute fave. 

You know, now that i think of it, i also tried eel for the first time, and was pleasantly surprised!!  You need to try it!

Wednesday Grand Total: 1260 calories

Thursday:  Not much happened on Thursday...trying to remember what i did 3 days later really makes me wonder, did Thurs. even happen?? 

I don't remember anything about it, good thing I have a food journal.  I'm sure if I would've blogged I would've had something snappy and clever to talk about...

Thursday Grand Total:  about 1100 calories

Friday:  Vacay day!!  Holler.  I took Friday off to drive down to Columbus with my boy Mitch to the 2010 Arnold Fitness Classic.  Yeah, I know.  I'm sure each and every person will have their own opinion on this subject.  And you may also be asking yourself, "Why would that fat s.o.b. BK want to go to THAT??" 

You basically pay like $10 to get into this MASSIVE expo at the Columbus Convention Center and walk around for like 6 hours eating and drinking free samples of nutrition bars, energy drinks, and various other dietary supplements.  Lots and lots of free shit basically.  It's actually mildly fun.

It's not as meathead-y as it sounds.  There's fitness models (chicks, man), fitness celebrities, UFC fighters, boxers, major apparel companies, gymnastics and sporting competitions, strong man events, karate, etc, etc.  It's quite motivating and somewhat refreshing to be surrounded by people that are in 598% better shape than I.

AND, if you're lucky enough, this guy will walk right by you and shake your hand.  Great pic, huh?  Ahhhhnold!!

Say what you will about the Governator, but they LOVE him in the fitness industry...and hell, he was the Terminator, and he killed the Predator.  GET TOO ZEEE CHOPPAH!!

Anyway, so I was in Columbus for that, and it was decided we would go to a Jimmy Buffett Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurant....I've never even heard of such a thing....but they do indeed exist.  Surprisingly, they specialize in burgers.  I changed it up and got a turkey burger.  It was extremely average, and I come to find out turkey burgers are in no way a healthier alternative to a hamburger...meh.  Lesson learned.

Friday Grand Total:  2135 Calories (i munched on a ton of energy and fitness food and drink!)

I'll be BAACK (tomorrow, with another pre-weigh in update!)

Night night.

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