Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Boy v. Scale - The Inevitable Fail

I've prepared myself for this.  No one is perfect.  Sadly, not only have I let myself down, but in some odd, twisted way, I feel like I've let you down, my reader(s).

I hopped up on the scale, actually feeling positive about this, and was instantly disamayed.  In the matter of 3.643 seconds, my life was put back into perspective.  Serves me right...

My weight this week checks in at:

210.3 lbs.

I weigh basically the same as I did one week ago....and if you want to get technical, I'm UP .1 pounds.

I know this is not the end of the world.  I'm perfectly aware that I was NOT going to continue to lose 2-3 pounds each and every week....but it still hurts.  I won't lie, I'm a bit disappointed.

I don't want to make excuses here, but I feel like I owe it to 'us' to make an attempt at explaing this.  This week was odd.  I just didn't feel like I was in the zone.  The system that I had been following for the past 5 weeks fell out of sync....and here's why:

1.  Last Tuesday - on the heels of a GREAT weigh in last week, I immediately sprinted out to bottle my beer that night.  we drank a bunch as we bottled, and feasted on a mountain of BBQ.  no excuse.  I know I haven't seen these friends in years...but still...i could have been better.

2.  Illness - I know, i know.  Everyone gets sick, everyone copes.  i thought i was handling it just fine, but all in all, I clearly DID NOT workout as frequent, nor as efficient.

3.  Ego - I needed a check. i'm probably cheating myself by not reporting EVERYTHING properly, ie. last Saturday. i hosted a game night, where i crossed paths with many fun appetizers and many beers. not only did i not eat in moderation, but i probably didn't track my consumption close enough.

After having mild success, it's easy to get overconfident.  It really is.  Even after a short 5 week period, you start taking small things for granted.  It's human nature...and sadly, I'm only human.


No more cheating.  I promise that I will come back STRONG this week...as strong as ever.  I have the motiviation, and a renewed faith.  Hell, this week could be a blessing in disguise.*  This is my opportunity to show my true colors, and rise above this mild failure.

     * - as you can see, i'm trying to fit in as many cliches as possible this week. ive got a few more, keep reading!!

All cliches aside, I actually COULDN'T WAIT to get in to work to write this latest installment. I literally sprinted across St. Clair to get to the door of my building (well, there many have been a few cars barrelling towards me; semantics). 

I would normally feel completely disgusted with myself...but no.  After my confrontation with the scale, i think i paced my kitchen for like 3 minutes....just walking back and forth with a sh*t grin on my face.  I was plotting how i was going to break this news to the Internet, and I was brainstorming how NOT to let this happen next week.

Again, this is not the end of the world.  It's ok.  Life is still good.

Not to trivilaize my Monday food logging, but today clearly has a more important message.  I'm not going to type everything out.  I did fairly well yesterday.  I had a nice workout, and came home to make a pork burrito and fresh salsa.  I didn't have a late night snack, and I didn't snack at work...

Monday Grand Total = 1410 Calories

ASIDE:  I heard a new Spoon song this morning on my drive in, "I Saw the Light".  Cool song, and very timely.  I HAVE seen the light.  I know that sounds hella cheesy, but I'm ready to get back after this, with a fresh, clear outlook.

Next Tuesday can't come soon enough.

BK out

1 comment:

  1. the SAME THING happened to me this week! i worked my ass off at the gym (more than normal) but i also essentially drank my weight in booze and didn't count a single calorie all weekend. oy at least we fail together.

    but i think you're right about the ego/reality check. its almost like i just expect to see a decrease. newsflash: you can't eat whatever you want. haha.

    next week its ON!
