Friday, February 19, 2010

Days 34 and 35 - my first bout with sickness

Good afternoon, Internet.  Well, I'm experiencing something for the first time since embarking on this weight loss journey.  I'm coping with illness.  I know...poor BK.  I don't have to explain to you how inconvenient it is being sick.  The effects are apparent.  It blows.

I don't have the energy to go to the Rec Center, I don't have the energy to shovel snow, I don't have the motivation to go shopping, and I barely have the desire to get up in the mornings!!!  I'm the co-planner of a nice little board game night on Saturday, and I just HATE knowing that I'm not at 100%!!!

Well, ok. I'm being fairly dramatic.  I'm not really THAT sick...but this IS throwing a wrench into my daily system.  And I'll tell you what I DO have the energy to do....frickin EAT.  THAT desire hasn't dissipated.

Everywhere I look; here at work, home, out with friends, I see potential snacks in my cross-hairs.  It sucks.  It's taking every last joule of my mental toughness to stay strong.....but I'll let you in on a secret:  The longer I progress in this diet, the easier THAT gets!!!

So below will be the last two days' food recaps.  No real flaws are apparent.  I did join a bar bowling league/team on Thursdays....thus the teams met up last night, at a bar.  It's like I'm just TRYING to F with myself...just trying to give myself another challenge:  Mid-week drinking and tom foolery.

ASIDE: Strangely enough, as you will see below, it appears as if my dinners these past two days have been sponsored by Ohio City pasta.  I ponied up for some fresh pasta when I visited the West Side Market last weekend, and finally decided that I'd better cook it up before they lose their fresh qualities!!  This stuff was GOOD!!

O.J. = 100 cal.
box of Sun Maid raisins = 130 cal.
salad = 200 calories
can of albacore tuna = 110 cal. (didn't finish the can)
strawberries!!!  = 16 cal. - ish (i looked it up!)

fresh Ohio City goat cheese raviolli, 6 pcs. = 180 cal.
pasta sauce = 100 cal.
garlic bread = 75 calories
skinny cow skinny dipper ice cream treat = 80 cal.

Workout: Yes, a wee bit.  I ran for about 20 minutes, and then my sinuses caved in and caused me to basically stop breathing.  I then decided that I'm getting sick, and should stop working out for a few days.  I took it to the brink, people!!

orange juice = 100 cal.
cinnamon pop tart = 190 calories
strawberries = 12 cal.
strawberry non-fat yogurt = 100 cal.
Weight Watchers smart one; angel hair marinara = 230 cal.

fresh Ohio City sweet pea Gnocchi = about 300 cal.
pesto sauce = 180 calories
garlic bread = 75 cal.
cheese/crackers (not much, just a few bites) = 75 cal.
Michelob Ultra 2 @ 95 = 190 cal.

I skipped my workout Thursday, mercifully.  I could barely BREATHE all day.  My nose and head are all kinds of messed up.

I consumed a couple of beers at my bar bowling league meeting at the ABC Tavern on W.25th...but I didn't want to!!!  I swear!!

Oh well, I'm gonna lay low.  Take 'er easy here Friday night, in preparation for a nice lillte gathering Saturday night, and house hunting Sunday....

bk out

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